Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Day We Will Always Remember

As I am sitting here watching Fox News program of their reports on 9/11/01, I know exactly where I was at each report:

I remember sitting on my couch holding my 5 month old daughter watching the today show before I had to leave to go to my work at Scott AFB. I was watching the reports of the Twin Tower being hit and as I was watching the news, I sat in disbelief when I saw a huge plan moving towards the second Twin Tower. I screamed. My dh came running out and wanted to know what was going on. I told him what I saw and of course they were replaying it over and over. I called my work and they told me to get in as soon as.

I went to work not easily mind you, I, like many other government workers, had to wait in line for over 1 1/2 hours to get on the base. I arrived at work to be told they had hit the pentagon. Security on base was on high alert. Through weeks of having to wait as much as 1/2 to 3 hours to get on the base.

WE should all fill very priviledged to live in this country. We should remember this day as a day our country as a whole became united. We know that will never happen as our country has put the guards back up. But I sit here 7 years later, I am proud to be an American, proud to be able to have the freedoms that this country has built it's foundation on. Even in this election year when there is always a division between the Democrats and the Republicans, We all can stand united under this blanket of Freedom that we have been allowed to have for so long. We should all be united and have pride in the fact that on the first Tuesday in November, we are going to be able to invoke our biggest priviledge of all, our priviledge to VOTE! That's right we all have a say and we all have a duty to vote for our next regime that will take us forward. Whether you are Democrate or Republican or Liberal, you have the right to stand for what you believe in and who you want our next Leader of the United States to be.

There are many countries around the world that don't have this freedom or priviledge. As an American Woman, I know how lucky I am to have these freedoms. There are many countries that have been oppressive to women. I am proud to have been able to finish my degree, get a good job and be able to support my family. In some countries, I would not have been able to finish high school let alone college.

I'll get off my soap box, But I believe this topic is one that all Americans can understand, September 11, 2001 was a monumental day in our country and regardless of sex, race, or political party choice, we all came UNITED. I guess this is the day I really realized what the phase "United we conquer, Divided we fall" really meant.

Please take a moment and remember the families of any of our fellow Americans that were killed by these horrific events. I am sure having such a public grieving each and every year takes it's toll on a person.

I hope you understand that I just wanted to share that I remember what I felt like on September 11, 2001 and wanted to share my thoughts.

Have a safe and blessed day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deb, you have said it better than
anyone else could. God bless you.
I sure enjoyed my time with you and the kids and Matt. Love ya,